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Edn institutions: Forcing people to resign may lead to collapse

Education adviser to the interim government, Professor Wahiduddin Mahmud, said yesterday that forcing individuals in educational institutions to resign could lead to the collapse of the administrative system.
Speaking at a meeting with ministry officials, the adviser said legitimate complaints against individuals will be addressed, but forced resignations are not an option.
The adviser said that established rules and regulations govern the process of appointments and transfers in government educational institutions, and there is no room for coercion, according to a press release from the ministry.
He also highlighted the potential consequences of administrative disruptions, noting that teachers and staffers could face delays in receiving their salaries and allowances if the system falters.
Wahiduddin reiterated the need to maintain stability in the education sector with the goal of restoring discipline in educational institutions amid the ongoing transition.
He further emphasised the importance of maintaining proper relationships between teachers and students, saying that no one should be personally humiliated.
